My First 5K and Family Steak Dinner

The annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure was held this past Saturday at New Orleans City Park.  A few weeks ago some of my coworkers were discussing that they were signing up to walk the race.  I eagerly informed them that I too was interested since my Aunt Susan just found out she has breast cancer and has recently begun treatments.  So I wanted to support the cause. 

Early Saturday morning my husband dropped me off to meet a couple of coworkers so I wouldn’t be alone waiting for the 5K to begin. 


This crew passed as they threw beads reminiscent of Mardi Gras as they walked with the 1 mile walk/race prior to the 5K.


Starting Line

For the first ten minutes I walked with the two people from work, but then parted ways to do a light jog and told them I would meet up at the finish line.

This picture is with less than 2 miles to go.  On the other side of the canal are tons of people behind me.


In front of me during one of my walk breaks out of three.


The finish line at 41:59.


I did not train for this, but know my my time could have been better had I not walked the first ten minutes with these two ladies.


Virgie and Pam

Pam, herself, is a cancer survivor just completing treatments last year.  I hope for Pam, my Aunt Susan, and others alike that a cure will soon be found to this disease taking the lives of many.  It was quite mind awakening to run behind others with signs pinned to their backs…"in memory of my mom, in memory of my aunt, in memory of my grandma”… followed by their names.


Virgie and me meeting up at the finish line.

I felt such a feeling of accomplishment once I was done and I hope to support more causes in my future by participating in other races.  Maybe I’ll even start training for them since I know I now have the stamina and endurance to complete them as I never would have been able to a couple years ago.


When I got home I was feeling a bit “I Am Woman; Hear Me Roar!”

After the race I took it easy and  iced my hip that was in some pain, but didn’t hurt during the race.  Later that night the hub and I had plans to join my dad and sis for Michelle’s second birthday celebration.  We went to Ruth’s Chris Steak House.

We started with some appetizers of

BBQ Shrimp

I had one of these plus some crusty french bread for dipping.DSC02154

Onion Rings that look more like doughnuts which I had half of one with the sweet and spicy dipping sauce. These were too thick and doughy for my liking.


Plus Stuffed Mushrooms which were eaten quickly so I couldn’t get a picture.  I had one, but completely forgot about a pic. (Picture below from website.)

Hub and I split a wedge salad with crumbled bacon and blue cheese.  I never used to like blue cheese, but have become a fan of it.


They split it onto two plates prior to bringing it out so it looked a bit messy, but tasted delish.

I can’t go to a place known for steaks and not get one, so I had the petite filet cooked medium with a side of fresh asparagus. 

I did not use the hollandaise sauce because it was too thick and I do not like the taste. (Asparagus Pic from Website)

IMG_0151 The steak is swimming in butter, but the flavor is phenomenal and the texture is as smooth as butter.

I also had a few bites of hub’s lyonaisse (sautéed potatoes and onions). (Pic from Website)


Hub and I


Jett (my sister’s son), Cheryl, and Dad


Michelle and Duke (He obviously didn’t want to take a picture.)


Happy 29th Birthday to Michelle!

Thanks for sharing the dessert.  I had the fruit and cream sample cup.  Yummy!  It was a fun and filling dinner with the family.  Thanks to Dad for treating us to such a nice meal!